Dr. Galvão Neto graduated in Medicine in Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública in 1989. After completing the Medical Residency Program in Hospital 9 de Julho, São Paulo, which took 3 years to complete, he returned to Bahia to take the position of invited teacher of the surgical technique discipline in Escola Bahiana between 1993 to 1998, being effective as coordinator of the researches core in experimental surgery and assistant professor in 1998, remaining there until 2000.
During this period, he developed a model of laparoscopic surgery with rats, using conventional equipment, focused in graduation students, training four classes composed by 200 students of the Medicine school. This training model was exported to other Brazilian colleges, including Santa Casa of São Paulo, where he was adopted on the curriculum of the Gynecology discipline for graduation and post-graduation.
In 2003, he defended the master thesis in Universidade de São Paulo (USP) for the digestive system surgery discipline, over the referred training model.
During this period, he obtained a degree as expert on the digestive system surgery by CBCD (1992) and a degree in Gastroenterology by FBG (1995).
At the public service between 1993 to 2000, he was the preceptor responsible for the accreditation of the general surgery residency in Cleriston Andrade hospital, in Feira de Santana, Bahia (MEC, decree 19-95 / process 004399/95), and he occupied, yet, the general manager function during 1996 and 1997. In the period between 1999 to 2000, he acted on the Hospital São Rafael as an assistant doctor, preceptor and responsible for the installation and posterior training of the esophageal manometry team, of the hospital’s surgeries service.
In 2001, he returned to São Paulo, where he started the activities as coordinator of the esophagus functional analysis’ services of the America Diagnoses laboratory and, in parallel , he developed a research and consulting activity alongside Alacer Biomedica® company, which resulted on the development of the national equipment for PHmetry and esophageal manometry, which are the current leaders of the sector, and to capacitate the market, he developed a training model in advanced interactive basis, which already trained more than 500 doctors around the country until now.
In 2002, he founded the clinic Gastro Obeso Center alongside Drs. Almino Ramos and Manoela Galvão, being the scientific coordinator and responsible for the development of processes and training since its opening. This is probably the most succeeded case in bariatric surgery in Latin America, performing more than 6.000 obesity surgical procedures (92% of them performed by laparoscopy or endoscopy) since the beginning of his activities. In this area, he developed the training model for the bariatric laparoscopic surgery and multi-disciplinary teams in a partnership with Ethicon Endo-Surgery® company, and trained, until now, more than 200 surgeons and 100members of multi-disciplinary teams in all Latin America, Portugal, Spain, Japan and India. During this period, he also was the pioneer in Brazil, performing procedures with endoscopic capsules in the small intestine in 2001, in the esophagus in 2006 and in the colon in 2007.
He was the first to perform: an endoscopic removal of the gastric band; placement of the intragastric air balloon; procedures of transluminal surgery through natural orifices in animals, which was the second human transgastric procedure in the world; and was also the first to perform the implant of a endoluminial endoscopic duodenum-jejunal bypass GI Sleeve® / EndoBarrier®, which is being studied by the FDA and CE.
With regard to potential conflicts of interests, Dr. Galvão Neto acts as the national and international scientific consultant of the companies Biomedica®, Ethicom EndoSurgery® e GI Dynamics®.
He also received an honorary at the “speaker” entitlement” for the companies Ache®, Allergam® and Janssem®