Medical residency and expertise
Medical residency in general surgery, Nossa Senhora de Lourdes Hospital, 2006 – 2008
Expertise in endoscopy of the digestive system, Beneficiência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, 2008 – 2010
Higher education
Universidade Santo Amaro Medical School (2000 – 2005)
Resident exhibitor of the Work:
- “Experience of the HNSL group on the treatment of the gastro-esophageal reflux through video-laparoscopy” – 7th Brazilian Congress of Videosurgery – SOBRACIL, Bento Gonçalves-RS (April 2007)
- “Enteroscopy intra-operatory on hemorrhagic pathologies” – work presented at the 35th Brazilian Congress of Endoscopy and 6th HEPGASTRO – Salvador, BA (October 2009)
- Perea,MRF; Tagawa,ACS; Vanni,CMRS; Freitas,DS; Nudelman,MD; Chehin,RB; Burian,PCPR.. – “Doenças do aparelho Respiratório: Principal causa de Internação Pediátrica no Hospital Geral do Grajaú” –Annals of the 5th Congress of Scientific Initiation: summary notebook, São Paulo 2002;
- Perea,MRF; Tagawa,ACS; Vanni,CMRS; Freitas,DS; Nudelman,MD; Chehin,RB; Burian,PCPR; Cury,MCFS.. – “Doenças do aparelho Respiratório: Principal causa de Internação Pediátrica no Hospital Geral do Grajaú” – Summary book of the 8th Brazilian Congress of Collective Health, Page: 317, Brasília 2003;
- Castro,OAP; Contrucci Filho,O; Ilias,EJ; Kassab,P; Safatle,NF; Franciulli,EF; Vincenzi,R; Cividanes,R; Perea,MRF; Dimitrov,M; Avelar,B.. – HEMORROIDECTOMIA À Milligan e Morgan: análise dos resultados de 94 casos operados – Revista Brasileira de Coloproctologia, Vol.3 – Supl. No 1,page 12 ,2003;
- Camelo Nunes,PF; Perea,MRF; Ilias,EJ; Oliveira Neto,RM; Safatle, NF..-“Hemorragia Digestiva Baixa por Doença Diverticular dos Cólons, predominante em Cólon Ascendente, Ceco e Íleo Terminal: Relato de Caso – Revista Brasileira de Coloproctologia, Vol.3 – Supl. No 1, page 27, 2003;
- Camelo Nunes,PF; Safatle,NF; Ilias,EJ; Kassab,P; Perea,MRF; Oliveira Neto,RM; Fernandes,AR; Franciulli,EF.. – Lipoma de Fossa Ísquio-Retal – Revista Brasileira de Coloproctologia, Vol.3 – Supl. No 1,page 97, 2003;
- Perea,MRF; Tagawa,ACS; Vanni,CMRS; Freitas,DS; Chehin,RB; Calil,D..- Avaliação de recidivas na Poliquimioterapia em Hanseníase – REVISTA IATROS, 17(3/4):121-128, 2002. – Annals of the 6 of Scientific Initiation: summary notebook, page: 378, São Paulo 2003;
- Perea,MRF; Tagawa,ACS; Vanni,CMRS; Freitas,DS; Chehin,RB; Bustamante,LA; Jukemura,R.. – Abuso Sexual na Infância: Principais Sinais e Conseqüências. – REVISTA IATROS, 18(1/2): 26-31, 2003. Annals of the 6th Congress of Scientific Initiation: summary notebook, page:402, São Paulo 2003;
- Fernandes,AR; Navarro Filho,AC; Silva,KC; Perea,MRF; Safatle,NF; Ilias,JE; Franciulli,EF.. – Adenocarcinoma Primário de Duodeno – Annals of the 6th Congress of Scientific Initiation: summary notebook, page: 378, São Paulo 2003;
- Fernandes,AR; Perea,MRF; Safatle,NF; Camelo Nunes,PF.. – Doença Diverticular como causa de Hemorragia Digestiva Baixa – Annals of the 6th Congress of Scientific Initiation: summary notebook, page: 425, São Paulo 2003;
- Saab,PC; Perea,M; Vanni,C; Fernandes,AR; Vincenzi,R; Castro,OP; Assumpção,P; Ilias,EJ; Kassab,P; Safatle,NF..- Profile of Nitrite Intake Migrants to City of São Paulo, Brazil – Annals of the 6th International Gastric Cancer Congress, Yokohama, Japan, 2005;
- Perea,M; Vanni,C; Fernandes,AR; Vincenzi,R; Castro,OP; Ilias,EJ; Kassab,P; Safatle,NF.. – Hypertension and Other Diseases Leading to Diminution of ingestion of Nitrite Containing Food – Annals of the 6th International Gastric Cancer Congress, Yokohama, Japan, 2005;
- Castro,PO; Tagawa,ACS; PereaMRF; Vincenzi,R; Saab,PC; Torrico,ALL; Ilias,EJ; Kassab,P; Safatle,NF.. – Nutritional Evaluation of Gastric Cancer Patients – Annals of the 6th International Gastric Cancer Congress, Yokohama, Japan, 2005.