The placement of bariatric prosthesis is indicated for the treatment of some kinds of post-surgery fistulas. These complications are rare, but generate some severe problems, with a harsh treatment. In many cases, the patients spend several years with the treatment and the fistulas may close and reopen.
With the arrival of the bariatric prosthesis, the evolution of the patients that suffer complications changed and, today, is a safe, effective and established procedure for the treatment of the most diverse kinds of fistulas. Each case must be evaluated in an individualized way and the procedure must be scheduled in a hospital with support from the anesthesiologist doctor and with a X-ray system.
The prosthesis, in general, remain from 4 to 6 weeks and are posteriorly removed, also through an endoscopy. In some cases, it’s necessary to dilate the areas and stenosis or substenosis, associated or not, to the fistula sepsis. A crucial factor is that the entire fistula, regardless the proposed treatment, must be previously drained.
For more information, schedule an appointment with the endoscopist doctor and don’t forget to take all exams with you.