The endoscopic suture is receiving a worldwide acknowledge and it already arrived in Brazil. The first vertical endoscopic gastroplasty was performed at Mário Covas State Hospital – ABC Medical School. The medical team responsible for this procedure was composed by Dr. Manoel Galvão, Dr. Thiago F. de Souza, Dr. Eduardo Grecco and Dr. Gustavo Quadros.
Considered an evolution at the bariatric endoscopy area, it has been used in research protocols and will become available to the public soon. It’s safe, effective, must be performed at a clinical environment and without cuts in the belly. It’s necessary a trained team for the execution and a nutritional accompaniment, associated to behavioral changes.
The procedure consists at the implementation of stitches at the stomach, leaving it with the tubular shape, like the vertical surgical gastroplasty, although with a lower risk and to allow the return to activities in an early and safe way. The endoscopic suture doesn’t cause an absorptive deficit, only restrictive and, this way, malnutrition, anemias and disability of vitamins doesn’t occur.
After the procedure, the patient remains at observation for 4 hours and, after the released, it’s recommended a liquid diet. The follow-up is made in a clinic and it may be necessary to realize a contrasted examination or endoscopy. The first cases are already encouraging, with a loss of nearly 14% during the first month, without complications.
The suture must be made by a trained endoscopist doctor for the procedure. For more information, talk with an expert doctor.
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