1. The patient must be accompanied by a person with legal age and in conditions to make decisions. The patient won’t be allowed to drive or walk in motorcycles at the examination’s date and neither in the following 24 hours;
2. Bring the medical request, the authorization guide and the previous exams;
3. Eight hours of fasting and it’ recommended that the last meal is light;
4. The medications of customary use must be taken with a small portion of water and in the customary hour;
4.1.For diabetic patients, it’s not recommended the ingestion of oral hypoglycemic and insulin before the examination. The prolonged fasting might result in hypoglycemia;
4.2.For patients that use oral or injectable anticoagulants, it’s necessary to consult a doctor to evaluate the need to suspend them and for how many days it’ll be suspended;
4.3. Patients with an allergic historic must inform the team before the procedure’s beginning, and, if possible, bring, in written, the medications that are forbidden to use;
5. The procedure may be performed with a hospitalization;
6. After the examination, the patient will remain for a period of 6 to 24 hours at the location. If there’s not an evolution or complications, the patient may be released;
7. The procedure isn’t free from complications. The main complications related are: pain and edema at the oral cavity, bronchospasm, bleeding and pneumothorax;
8. Never forget to bring your previous exams and recent exams at the day.